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Sunday 20 March 2011

Poppy Pics

See me, now who knew I could be this cute – 28th FebruaryPoppy 28.02.11 (9) Poppy 28.02.11 (10)Is this what they mean by ‘a bad hair day’ – 28th February Poppy 28.02.11 (12) Here is what happens when you leave the Poppy unattended with an empty yoghurt pot and a tissue on the coffee table!

The brown bits are not puppy poo! Although several times I have very gingerly bent down to remove them. The manufacturers of those chewies should definitely consider a different colour!Disaster Zone 14.03.11 (3) Here is Poppy in her brand new harness – 1st MarchPoppy 01.03.11 (7) Having a cuddle with Em and Oakley 14th MarchPoppy 14.03.11 (10)And for comparison 24th January – What a difference 7 weeks makesPoppy 24.01.11 106 Look Mum no hands! 14th MarchPoppy 14.03.11 (5) Poppy 14.03.11 (6) Now what did you want to go and do that for !?!?!? – Poppy’s first shower 19th MarchPopppy 19.03.11 (3)   Popppy 19.03.11 (1) Poppy will be 5 months old on Wednesday and is turning into quite a little monkey. If it’s not tied down she likes to destroy it, including my feet. But I am so glad I got her as she is a constant source of smiles.

Butterfly 2 Signature Lin


  1. Aaaaaaaah she is one adorable little pupster! I bet she can get away with anything, even shredding tissues. That is a favourite pastime of Dylan too, well actually he sneaks them out of DH trouser pockets!

  2. Poppy is just adorable, Lin! I can see she's going to be a real little character. Our pets sure do fill our lives with joy.
    Beth. xxx

  3. Poppy is a real cutie I bet she gets away with lots!

  4. Lin! Poppy is adorable! I just want to snnnnugggle her!!

  5. Awwwww - she's gorgeous! Absolutely adorable :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx

  6. She really is the cutest. xx

  7. Aww how cute!
    I so want!!
    She is the cutest sweetest lil puppy ever! Our tillie doesnt distroy tissues just eats them and can sniff them out anywhere!!
    Hugs Melly xx

  8. OMG she is adorable! Thanks for sharing those precious pics :) xoxo

  9. She's absolutely adorable, Lin.
    Hugs Lisax

  10. She is the same age as my Lola and as cute as a pup has a right to be!
    Lola's out of the destructive stage but now wants to be a parrot or something as she likes to lie on my shoulders when I'm sitting on the couch!
    Check out her latest adventure on my other blog Lin at

    Your Poppy is just too adorable!

  11. Too bloomin' adorable for her own good that dog is. Now, listen up mummy bear... How come everytime you direct me to your blog there's some god awful pictures of me on it ;D

    Maybe we should let Poppy the puppy meet George the bunny :)

    Loves and hugs xxx

  12. This little mite is way toooo cute by far I want her she is adorable as for you comment on my last post about your daughter isn't that the best part of being a mom embarrassing them lol now who's evil lol and stand & deliver all time classic my fav
    Jacki xx


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