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All work exhibited here is my own design, unless otherwise stated, in which case I shall have credited the original author of that work. I am thrilled to be able to share my designs with you but would appreciate that you respect that these are my designs and do not copy and place them anywhere else online or use them for your own personal gain in any way.

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Saturday 2 May 2009

Stampavie Challenge

This week's Stampavie Challenge is to use Pink, Brown and (optional green). Here is my interpretation.

The image is a Rachelle Anne Miller one called Peek A Boo, coloured in with prismas and chalked around the edges cut and matted with Nesties.

The flowers are Flora Doodles and the ribbon and butterly are from my stash. They are all layered onto some K&Co paper.



  1. Gorgeous card, good luck with the challenge. Debs x

  2. Love pink and brown its a gorgoeus combination.

  3. oooh I do love pink & brown!
    pretty card, and I love your blog skin.

    love tina

  4. Love your blog background!

    Your cards are great and now I know you have a blog I've become a follower.
    Pamela (Pyjama Princess)

  5. Lovely card, i love that stamp, it's really cute :)

  6. Another real cute card, glad you are having fun with your new blog and I am enjoying gettign a chance to see more of your lovely cards.


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