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Saturday, 22 May 2010

Rodley the Very clever Panda!!

I have been looking forward to posting this next creation.

As my friends over on Craft Telly know I have turned into a Charlie Bears nut!

I should like to take credit for this design but it was all Rodley's own work. Rodley being the beautiful green and white panda pictured here.

I took some photos of Rodley hard at work and the finished card he made. Hope you like them.

He coloured in this Sassy Cheryl image with promarkers and mounted it onto a postcard style card which he cut with Go Kreate dies into this lovely shape.

He used some digital papers from my stash, cheeky wee boy!

He seems to have an eye for colour, and obviously he was aiming for a self portrait.

I think he did quite well, hope you agree.

In the first picture he is looking for materials, the next ones are of him hard at work colouring and the finished result and then finally he is having a well earned rest.

Well, as he explained to me, this cardmaking can be exhausting, a boy has to put his feet up!!!

Look out for more of Rodley's creations in the future as he is now taking commissions from the other bears to make portrait cards of them too!


PS Don't forget my blog motto............. but this time it's not me that's cracked, it's the cute little Panda!


  1. Hi Lin

    He is gorgeous and how talented, love the colours he chose to use.

    Hugs Ali x

  2. Rodley is a very clever bear and you are a complete nutter! Love his die shaped card Talented ted

  3. Aw he is such a cutie....and he colours much better than I do lol x

    Susie xx


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