Not sure if you noticed or not but I won last week's PBSC!
I only got this blog up and running last Sunday and already fate has smiled kindly on me and I have won with my first ever challenge card.
I had such an adrenalin rush I couldn't get to sleep and was completely shattered the next morning so sat watching most of craft day in a foggy daze.

I have won a gorgeous little set of stamps and am eagerly awaiting them so I can play.
Thanks to Sugarplum because it was her chatting about getting a blog started that inspired me.
I was giggling to myself earlier in the week, thinking that if I entered a challenge every day, at the end of the year I would have 365 cards to shift!
So to any of you bloggers out there reading this...... what do you do with your challenge cards after you have lovingly made them and entered them?
Is it bad form to send them to forum friends who might have already spied them on your blog, cos I don't have anywhere near enough family to send cards to?
Perhaps I should have a 'feature wall' and stick them all over it?
Answers on a postcard please....... or just in the comments box below.
Until next time
Blessed Be
PS I amazed myself at finally working out how to post things in the sidebar, whether or not I shall remember the next time I need to do it is debatable.